prepared projects
Below are our videos that you can find on YouTube about each different Prepared Event. Check them out and see which one you might be interested in.
ad campaign
Advertising Campaign is in the marketing cluster! It is designed for 1 to 3 student(s) to prepare an advertising campaign for any service, product, company, or business. You have 20 minutes to present your campaign to the judge and accounts for 50 points. There is also a written component (15 pages) that also accounts for 50 points. The objective for the advertising campaign changes each year and can be found in the event guidelines.
business research
Business Research is an event in the business management & administration cluster. It is designed for 1 to 3 students to partner with a local business to conduct research in the local market. A new research topic or area to improve is presented in the event guidelines. You will have 20 minutes to present your research and strategy to the judge for 50 points. There is also a written research report that is worth 50 points. The objective for the advertising campaign changes each year and can be found in the event guidelines.
Entrepreneurship is in the entrepreneurship cluster! There are two different prepared events for entrepreneurship: Starting a Business and Growing a Business. Up to three students can participate in this event to either develop a proposal for starting a business or identifying opportunities to grow your business. You will have 20 minutes to present that is worth 50 points. There is also a written component for this event. To see the event guidelines for the entrepreneurship event, click on either of the events.
professional sales
Professional Sales is in the marketing cluster. One student will select a product and/or service and the organization and deliver a sales presentation to a group of potential buyers. The item/items are to be sold to a company for resale; or any industrial or trade product or service to be used in a company, firm or store in the operation of its business; or a product or service to be sold to the ultimate consumer. You will have 20 minutes to pitch your product/service. To see the event guidelines for Professional Sales, click here.